BASICHematology is one of the medical sciences. It includes the study of blood cells and any other tissue or factor associated with formation, maintenance, and function of the circulatory system (blood stream).
Blood is a complex body tissue composed of cellular elements (blood cells) suspended in an aqueous solution of salts and proteins (plasma).
Cellular elements:
[1] Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are made in the bone marrow by a process known as erythropoiesis. These cell are released by the bone marrow as non-nucleated, biconcave discs, which contain the red pigment called hemoglobin (Hb); explains red colour. Red cells function in oxygen transport. When the red cell count is reduced the patient is said to be anemic and oxygen delivery can be impaired.
[2] Leucocytes (white blood cells) are made in the bone marrow by a process known as leucopoiesis. Leucocytes are primarily involved in the defense against invading organism (bacteria, viruses, and parasites) and play an important role in the immune system.
[3] Thrombocytes (platelets) are formed in and released by bone marrow. These cells paly a major role in haemostasis, i.e. the control of hemorrhage (bleeding).
All blood cells originate in the bone marrow. Some cells (e.g. red cells and platelets) complete their development at medullary sites (in the bone marrow). Other cells (e.g. T-lymphocytes) complete their development at extramedullary sites (outside bone marrow).
[The Singapore Polytechnic]
Title : Basic of the Study of Blood
Description : BASIC Hematology is one of the medical sciences. It includes the study of blood cells and any other tissue or factor associated with format...