[1] The full blood count (FBC) usually provides the first evidence of anemia. e.g. low Hb. A blood film may reveal red cell abnormalities characteristic of particular disorder, e.g. sickle cells.
[2] The reticulocyte count (retics) reflects the bone marrow's response to anemia. A low retic count indicates bone marrow hypoplasia while reticulocytosis indicates the marrow is still responding.
[3] Abone marrow (BM) aspirate should be taken if a primary marrow disorder is suspected, e.g. myelodisplasia or leukemia. Trephine is appropriate with infiltrative conditions, e.g. lymphoma or carcinoma.
[4] Haematinic Assay for serum ferritin, B12 and folate should be evaluated in all cases. Iron deficiency may mask the megaloblastic changes of B12 and/or folate deficiency.
Title : The Laboratory Investigation of Anemia
Description : [1] The full blood count (FBC) usually provides the first evidence of anemia. e.g. low Hb. A blood film may reveal red cell abnormalities ch...