Leucopoiesis is under the control of colony stimulating factors (CSFs). A prefix is used to designate the type of colony produced, e.g. granulocyte-macrophage CSF becomes GM-CSF.
Granulocytes arise from the myeloblast. As development takes place through successive cell divisions the nucleus becomes smaller and loses its nucleoli. Specific granules appear in the cytoplasm as the cell moves from promyclocyte. The granules determine eosinophils, neutrophil, or basophil characteristics. The nucleus become kidney shaped (metamyelocyte) and then horseshoe shaped (band). After this stage the nucleus is segmented into lobes and thus becomes a true polymorphonuclear cell.
Lymphoblasts and monoblasts give rise to respective progeny, lymphocytes and monocytes. Some lymphocytes precursor leave the bone marrow and mature in the thymus gland to produce T-lymphocytes. Lymphocytes which mature in the bone marrow are called B-lymphocytes.

Title : Leucopoiesis
Description : Leucopoiesis is under the control of colony stimulating factors (CSFs). A prefix is used to designate the type of colony produced, e.g. gran...